Love as 100% pure energy..Love as a unique feeling that writers, poets, artistsand scientists throughout the centuries are trying to explain, describe, catch and picture through words, lyrics, brushes, colours, acts, gestures, formulas and many other tools and ways... I will just try to show THE LOVE I feel at this very moment, or at this momentum which is a summary of all my past moments in life...LOVE as a candle wax that is it running away..? Or it is just lyrically crying as a candle cries when it melts down and burns out...slowly but surely....Is that LOVE ? Or maybe the LOVE in This World is running away and melting around...aren’t we sometimes turned into the wrong side of the street ? Aren’t our heads sometimes turned in the absolutely wrong direction, looking for the right one !?! And all we have to look is INSIDE OUR HEARTS, there’s the KEY. Love is the key. This is how I feel LOVE. Love in huge quantities, Love that comes around and spills around...Unconditional Love that is never enough to have it, give it, and receive it ! LOVE IT ! LOVE, LOVE AND LOVE !!! AND DON’T BE AFRAID!
(*Previously exhibited at The First International Exhibition of Modern Art – Centre d’Art Moderne of Salzburg & BIENNALE AUSTRIA – Salzburg, Austria, April 2011; State Art Gallery of Fine Arts of India – Hyderabad, March 2011; The European Biennial for Young Artists – BJCEM, September 2009; at Macedonian Opera and Ballet - May 2009; Public Room Promo Center – RM, Nov 2008 – Jan 2009; *Original exhibited at Le Jungle Art Gallery, SOHO, New York, USA – Jan 2007)